Start Scared

209. What to Do When You Feel Stuck

Chrysty Lockhart

Let’s be real—feeling stuck is frustrating. Whether it’s in your workouts, your routine, your mindset, or just life in general, it can feel overwhelming when you don’t know what the next step should be. And honestly? That’s exactly where I am right now.

In today’s episode, I’m sharing a personal struggle—I feel completely stuck in my workout routine. I don’t love working out, I’ve spent years doing at-home workout videos, and while I’ve recently started walking with a weighted vest, I have no idea if it’s enough or what I should do next. So, I’m asking for your help!

If you’ve ever felt stuck in any area of life, I want you to know—there is nothing wrong with you. Feeling stuck isn’t bad. It’s just part of the process. And when we’re honest about our struggles, we not only help ourselves move forward, but we also remind other women that they’re not alone.

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🛑DISCLAIMER: The information and opinions contained in Start Scared is for personal and entertainment purposes only.

I am SO grateful that you’re here and to be on this journey WITH you, girl! Cheers to US and our growth together! I love you, I am rooting for you and remember, YOU MATTER. 🤟🏻


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